

Preposterous Universe

Monday, July 18, 2005
Secret exciting blog news revealed

I try to tease you folks, but it's hard to keep secrets from such a clever and persistent group of people. No, there aren't any marriage plans on the horizon -- it's even better than that.

As some of you guessed, I'm happy to announce the launch of a new group blog:
Cosmic Variance
My co-bloggers include notorious Orange Quark proprietor Mark Trodden, former Preposterous guest-blogger Risa Wechsler, and two blogging neophytes, JoAnne Hewett and Clifford Johnson. As you will discover for yourself, they comprise quite the group of charismatic and irreverent raconteurs, and I'm sure the discussions will be both amusing and stimulating. Mark, like me, is a theoretical field theorist and cosmologist; Risa is an expert on the formation of galaxies and cosmological large-scale structure; JoAnne is one of the world's leading particle phenomenologists; and Clifford works on string theory and M-theory, and (like me) has written a textbook to prove it.

Don't let the fact that they are all physicists fool you. Although we each have our different voices and concerns, all of us at Cosmic Variance agree that we'll spend some of our time talking about science, and a good amount of time talking about whatever else strikes our fancy. In particular, my Cosmic posting philosophy will be precisely the same as my Preposterous posting philosophy has been -- there will just be some extra value-added from the interactions with new colleagues. (And, by the way, a much nicer blog layout and functionality, as some of these folks actually know what they're doing.) I'm excited, this is going to be great fun.

As for the plucky old blog you're reading here, what of its future? For the most part, I won't be posting here very much -- as I said, everything I might have posted will simply go to the new site. I will keep it around, as I will often have reason to refer to posts in the archives, as well as an understandable sentimental attachment. Perhaps I will occasionally post something here that I don't want to sully my new collaborators with (although frankly I can't imagine anything).

So, the blog is dead, long live the blog! Thanks to everyone for reading, and enjoy the new blogging ahead.

Update: the new blog already has one distinction to its name -- it's the place to go for news about Brad and Angelina.

Ideas on culture, science, politics.
Sean Carroll

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