

Preposterous Universe

Friday, June 17, 2005
Friday iChing

Friday Random Ten with a twist: use your iPod to divine the future, by using the first ten songs to appear in a random playlist as Tarot cards in the Celtic Cross spread. Full explanation, including a key to the positions, here.

This week, let's ask a specific question: "Will the Democrats recapture the White House in 2008?" The songs say:
  1. The Covering: Aretha Franklin, Precious Lord, Take My Hand
  2. The Crossing: Charles Mingus, Better Git It In Your Soul
  3. The Crown: Patricia Barber, Regular Pleasures
  4. The Root: Ray Charles, Hit The Road, Jack
  5. The Past: Euphonic, Precognition
  6. The Future: McCoy Tyner, Good Morning Heartache
  7. The Questioner: Buckshot LeFonque, Jungle Grove
  8. The House: Chick Corea & Bobby McFerrin, Autumn Leaves
  9. The Inside: Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington, I'm Just a Lucky So-And-So
  10. The Outcome: Sex Mob, Baby Let Me Hold Your Hand
Well, isn't that special. The Covering and Crossing make sense, as they refer to current influences and obstacles; clearly, the oracle is reminding us of the gradual takeover of our formerly secular country by Jesusland. But there's good news in the Root, which refers to past influences: perhaps they will be hitting the road soon? The appearance of Precognition in the Past is an obvious reference to the Downing Street Memo and the Bush Administration's ability to see the need to invade Iraq long before intelligence could actually make the case.

But the auguries for the future are more ambiguous. The Future speaks of heartache. The Inside, referring to our hopes, fears, and expectations, seems to think we'll get lucky. And the Outcome, wrapping up the whole story, is a Sex Mob tune.

Is it possible that Rep. Sensenbrenner will succeed at repealing the 22nd Amendment, and (to his horror) our next President will be -- Bill Clinton?

Ideas on culture, science, politics.
Sean Carroll

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