

Preposterous Universe

Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Both sides now

One thing on which I'm sure we can all agree: there are too many damn blogs. Even if we stick with the ones that we actually think are good, there's no way to keep up with them all. So forget about responsibly checking, for example, blogs on the other side of the political spectrum than where one places one's self -- maybe we spot-check a few here and there, but being a regular visitor is a job best left to masochists.

Fortunately, braver souls are out there to pick out the choicest cuts from either side of the political cow. Well, with a certain imbalance, I must admit. From the Right, we have TigerHawk presenting the Carnival of the Commies. Mildly amusing label notwithstanding, he actually makes a good-faith effort to identify what he thinks are interesting trends within the lefty blogosphere. Worth checking out.

In return, the forces of progressive goodness turn to The Poor Man, who dips his finger into the righty blogosphere to come up with Wingnut Butter. Equally edifying, although somewhat less of a -- how should we put it? -- good-faith effort.
We will plunge headlong into the spiritual wasteland of theocrats, crypto-fascists, asexuals, militiamen, torture apologists, Millenialists, Bush idolators, racists, Randians, flat Earthers, Likudniks, hypocrites, liars, and the many other sour, brittle old harpies and doughy, bowtied chronic masturbators of the Right, and return with such victuals as can be scrounged from this unforgiving soil.
Apparently the Editors were unable to identify all that many worthwhile strands over on the right side of web-land. Maybe next week?

Ideas on culture, science, politics.
Sean Carroll

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